Indonesia Hear Foundation

VISION: Bringing out the best from every individual with hearing impairment to reach their fullest potential and achieve greatness.
MISSION: To help, guide, educate and serve the society on information related to hearing impairment and its solution

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Pernyataan Sikap Yayasan Indonesia Mendengar
(Positioning Statement of I - Hear Foundation)

Indonesian Version

Dengan hormat,
Bersama ini kami pengurus Yayasan Indonesia Mendengar, ingin menjelaskan kedudukan Yayasan Indonesia Mendengar terhadap penyedia alat bantu dengar sebagai berikut :
1. Yasasan Indonesia Mendengar bukan merupakan perwakilan dari para penyedia alat bantu.
2. Yayasan Indonesia Mendengar adalah perkumpulan dari para orang tua, anak2 dan keluarga yang memiliki masalah pendengaran tanpa mengutamakan suatu teknologi alat bantu dengar tertentu yg dipergunakan.
3. Adapun tujuan utama Yayasan adalah untuk menggalang kebersamaan, berbagi informasi dan mencoba mencari solusi terbaik untuk para anggota.
4. Adapun kerja sama yang Yasasan lakukan terhadap para penyedia alat bantu dengar adalah semata-mata untuk membantu para anggota dalam mendapatkan informasi terkini sekitar perkembangan tehnologi dan memperjuangkan kepentingan para anggota untuk mendapatkan pelayanan yang professional dari penyedia alat bantu dengar.
5. Sehubungan dengan adanya perkembangan yang terjadi, pihak yayasan akan mengundang para penyedia alat bantu dengar untuk kembali mengutarakan dan mempertegas sikap Yayasan tersebut diatas.
6. Pihak Yayasan memohon masukan para anggota untuk disampaikan pada pertemuan tsb diatas.
Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

Hormat kami,

Johnwei Muljono
Yayasan Indonesia Mendengar
English Version

Dear All,
We, at Indonesian Hear Foundation, herewith would like to take this opportunity to re-instate our position related to the all the Vendors of cochlear implants and hearing aids and their respective distributors in Indonesia as follows :
1. I - Hear Foundation is an independent non - profit entity, not a representative of any Vendor or distributor of cochlear implant and hearing aids.
2. I - Hear Foundation founded by all parents with children with hearing impairment as a forum to help and support each other related to information and solution. We will remain Neutral in the choice of Brand and Technology parents choose for their children, the ultimate decision is in the hands of each individual parent/s. I - Hear Foundation will not interfere and have no right to interfere.
3. The ultimate objective of our Foundation is to help, support and provide the right information and solution to all parents with hearing impaired children.
4. The relationship we have with all vendors and their respective distributors is purely based on the needs to help our parents in getting the right, most recent information related to technology and others as well as to ensure all the interests of parents well protected in relation to the professional services provided by all vendors and their respective distributors.
5. To avoid any mis-interpretation, I - Hear Foundation will soon invite all vendors and their respective distributors to further communicate and re-instate our position once and for all.
6. We, at I - Hear Foundation welcome all parents to provide input and feedback related to the meeting stated in point no. 5 above.
Thank you all for your attention.

On behalf of I - Hear Foundation,

Johnwei Muljono

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Communication Session with Cochlear Limited
June 23, 2007, Rinjani Room, The Grand Hyatt, Jakarta

" A communication session with Cochlear Limited conducted with I - Hear parents/Cochlear recipients in lieu of the recent change of Cochlear's distributor for Indonesia.
Parents were delighted to hear the continuous commitment and support of Cochlear to all their recipients in Indonesia directly from Lina Lim, Area Manager for South
East Asia of Cochlear Limited. Johnwei Muljono, Chairman of I - Hear, also echoed the importance of smooth transition from the existing Distributor to the newly
appointed Distributor in looking after the needs and interests of the existing recipients and new potential recipients of Cochlear products in the country. The session
was well received and a sense of relief from the parents noticed after the session."

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

June 16, 2007, from 2 PM to 4 PM, Auditorium of RSPIK

Topic : Experiencing meaningful holiday
Speaker : San C. Wirakusuma
Children : Origami

Our topic in June coincided with the school holiday season. Family experiencing meaningful holiday discussed at length, which later supplemented by games simulation participated by all parents. All parents having great fun and learning which they can implement it immediately with their families as you can tell from the pictures. Children also having good time with Origami led by Vashti & Kiki.

May 19, 2007, from 2 PM to 4 PM, Auditorium of RSPIK

Topic: Husband’s roles & support to the success of child with hearing impairment.
Speaker: Johnwei Muljono.
Children: Scientific experiences

The topic of our May Workshop highlighted the roles of HUSBAND, support and involvement to the success of child with hearing impairment. The success of child/children with HI in living the normal life, is the part of puzzle shared in this Workshop. Paradigm shift from a "Typically" husband to be an understanding and flexible husband, a team player as well as involvement in the process of learning with our HI Child/Children are the key learning for the HUSBANDs.

Apr. 21, 2007, from 2 – 4 p.m at PIK Hospital, Auditorium

Topic: Preparation for school for children with hearing impairment.
Speaker: Linvo Junus & Darmadji. T.
Children: Balloon Magic.

A very interesting and challenging topic discussed in our April Workshop. Real issues and challenges were shared and reviewed by parents with experiences as well as those who are facing it now. At the same, our children were having lots of fun with The Balloon Magic especially organized for them.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I-Hear activities & photos (Jan 2007)

Jan 13, 2007
RS Pantai Indah Kapuk

I - Hear kicked off the 2007 Parent Workshop with an excellent and relevant topic " Psychology in dealing with rejections/negativity of children with hearing impairment and special needs " by Dra. Adriani S. Ginanjar, M.S.(Psychologist, Mandiga - Education for Children with Autism). The session was engaging and valuable to parents as they could relate it to their own experiences in handling their children. Lots of great and useful experience sharing/discussion from the parents as well as the speaker on her own experiences in dealing with her child with autism. Tremendous knowledge shared in the forum to say the least. Our sincere gratitude to Ibu Adriani S. Ginanjar for her contribution to our foundation.

Friday, December 29, 2006


I-Hear Foundation closed the year 2006 with one of the highlights of the year, the one day Seminar on Habilitation by Andrew Kendrick, Certified AVT, on December 12, 9AM to 5PM, at the auditorium of RS PIK. The event had been planned over the past months by I - Hear with the support of Cochlear, ABDI and RSPIK. The seminar was a great success, the auditorium was basically full. Topics covered were 101 therapy ideas coping with educational issues for CI recipients, issues of bilingualism, second language and coping with children with multiple disabilities. We also had parents coming from Bali, Makassar, Lampung and Bandung. Andrew did an excellent job in delivering and engaging with the parents. All parents were enthusiast to learn and clearly, Andrew's experiences and exposures all over the Asia Pacific is of great value and resources to all of us to learn from. In appreciation of Andrew's time and contribution, I - Hear were proud to present to Andrew, a beautiful painting done by Stephanie, a CI recipient whose parents are proud members of I - Hear Foundation.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Parents Workshops/Activities, January - June 2007

Jan. 13, 2007
Saturday, 2 – 4 p.m. Venue: PIK Hospital, Auditorium

Topic: Psychology in dealing with rejections/negativity of children with hearing impairment.
Speaker: Dra. Adriana S. Ginanjar, M.S.
Children: Drawing with kak Wondo, Space Toon

Feb. 10, 2007
Saturday, 2 – 4 p.m. Venue: PIK Hospital, Auditorium

Topic: Schooling options for children with hearing impairment.
Speaker: * San C. Wirakusuma, M. Spec. Ed. myCHILD (Center for Hearing Impaired and Learning Development)
Representative of Schools: TBA
Children: No children activity

Mar.10, 2007
Saturday, 2 – 4 p.m. Venue: PIK Hospital, Auditorium

Topic: Learning to read (Bahasa Indonesia) with Phonetic for Special Needs
Speaker: Sumarti M. Thahir Spd.
Children: Learning to read

Apr. 14, 2007
Saturday, 2 – 4 p.m. Venue: PIK Hospital, Auditorium

Topic: Preparation for school for children with hearing impairment.
Speaker: Linvo Junus & Darmadji. T
Children: Balloon Magic

May 19, 2007
Saturday, 2 - 4 p.m. Venue: TBA

Topic : Husband’s roles & support to the success of child with hearing impairment
Speaker: Johnwei Muljono.
Children: Scientific experiences.

June 16, 2007
Saturday, 2 – 4 p.m. Venue: PIK Hospital, Auditorium

Topic : Experiencing meaningful holiday
Speaker : San C. Wirakusuma
Children : to be advised

July 21, 2007
Saturday, 2 PM - 4 p.m. Venue: PIK Hospital, Auditorium

Topic : Options Homeschooling vs Normal School
Speaker : Sekolah Komunitas Kebun Main Depok
Children : to be advised

Friday, December 15, 2006

I-Hear activities & photos (Dec 2006)

Dec 9, 2006
Singapore House, Jl. Diponegoro, Jakarta

Our December 9 Parents Workshop conducted by Madam Gouri Mirpuri
(Wife of Singapore's Ambassador to Indonesia) at the Singapore House, residence of the Ambassador. The topic covered was, " Practical Things You Can Do to Help Your Hearing Impaired Child Toward Greater Communication ". Madam Gouri Mirpuri shared her own experiences with her own son, Nihal. Parents were touched and amazed by her commitment, effort and hard work in ensuring her son success in his speech and language. Nihal now is 13 years old, going to mainstream school(The Jakarta International School) in grade 8, a success case that inspires lots of parents. Indeed, parents learnt a great deal from Madam Gouri Mirpuri and we are truly blessed and greatful to have the support and contribution from Madam Gouri Mirpuri to our foundation.